Bujjamma Telugu Song Lyrics - KA (2024)

Bujjamma Telugu Song Lyrics - KA (2024)
Pic Credit:- Saregama Telugu (YouTube)

Bujjamma Song Lyrics in Telugu & English from KA Telugu Film. This Telugu song is sung by Sarath Santosh and the lyrics are penned by Sanapati Bharadwaj Patrudu. KA movie starring Kiran Abbavaram, Nayan Sarika. This song is composed by Sam CS and movie directed by Sujith & Sandeep.

Bujjamma Song Credits

Song NameBujjamma
Movie NameKA (2024)
CastKiran Abbavaram, Nayan Sarika
Singer(s)Sarath Santosh
LyricsSanapati Bharadwaj Patrudu
Music DirectorSam CS
DirectorSujith & Sandeep
ProducersChinta Gopalakrishna Reddy
BannerSrichakraas Entertainments
Label & SourceSaregama Telugu

Bujjamma Song Lyrics in English

Kanulaku Kaanukalaa
Kodavali Choopulatho
Kalavaga Neeve
Kalavaramaaye Kalakalamaaye

O.. Bujjammaayi O Bullammaayi
Nee Rendu Kallu Chudagaane
Chitti Gunde Chithu Chithu
Bujjammaayi O.. Bullammaayi
Ye Guttu Rattu Cheyyanatti
Kattu Bottu Meeda Vottu

Manasu Needhe Nerajaana
Andukove Najaraanaa
Navvu Pitta Naa Momu Vaakita
Vaalindi Nee Valane
Bhaamaa Bhaamaa

Sathyabhaama Sathyabhaama
Sogase Suthaaramaa
Sathyabhaama Sathyabhaama
Nadake Nidaanamaa
Sathyabhaama Sathyabhaama
Paluke Prashanthamaa
Andaala Sathyabhaama Bhaamaa
Anthaa Nee Mahima

Vampusompulimpugunna Vayyaari
Chempa Lone Kempulunna Chingaari
Dishti Chukka Pettukove
Singaari Singaari

Mudhu Mudhu Maatalaadu Chinnaari
Muchataina Roopu Needhi Ponnaari
Muggu Loki Dinchi
Nannu Munchaave Kaaveri

Kaavalaaga Kaachukunnaa
Kaalaanni Kollagottu Maayalaadivammaa
Chupu Ruvvi Chichu Repe

O Missammaayi Kassu Bussammaayi
Nee Rendu Kallu Chudagaane
Chitti Gunde Chithu Chithu
Missammaayi Kassu Bussammaayi
Ye Guttu Rattu Cheyyanatti
Kattu Bottu Meeda Vottu

Manasu Needhe Nerajaana
Andukove Najaraanaa
Navvu Pitta Naa Momu Vaakita
Vaalindi Nee Valane
Bhaamaa Bhaamaa

Sathyabhaama Sathyabhaama
Sogase Suthaaramaa
Sathyabhaama Sathyabhaama
Nadake Nidaanamaa
Sathyabhaama Sathyabhaama
Nanne Varinchumaa

Bujjamma Song Lyrics in Telugu

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Watch 'Bujjamma' Lyrical Video Song

About Bujjamma Song from KA Movie

Here are some brief details about the "Bujjamma" song from the "KA" movie.

Give a listen to the track titled "Bujjamma," immersed in the textures of Kiran Abbavaraam’s latest film KA. This film is directed by Sujith and Sandeep. The third single from the soundtrack was made available on October 29, 2024, and can be streamed on several services, including Spotify, JioSaavn, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Wynk, and YouTube.

According to the credits, the song was composed, arranged, and programmed by Sam CS with vocals rendered by Sarath Santosh. The song was written by Sanapati Bharadwaj Patrudu. The instruments were played by Shimon with the violin, Nathan played the woodwind instruments, and Joseph Vijay played the guitar. The Indian percussionists Vikram Kiran and Shruthiraj, along with the Chennai Orchestra, enhanced the sound further.

Music production was credited to K Mahima Chowdhary, while recording engineers were CD Anbumani, S Aakash Edwin, and M Chidambara Kannan during their time at Psalter Record Inn Pvt Ltd in Chennai. Mixing and mastering of the audio was handled by Balu Thankachan at 20dB Black Studios, assisted by Paul Daniel and Hariharan, while Velavan B worked as the music coordinator, and the production management team comprised Kannan M, Indhumathi, and Sathya Murthy, with Pro Audio’s tech support from Parthiban.

Overview for the film KA: The film will be released on October 31, 2024. KA is created, written, and directed by Sujith and Sandeep Chinta. Produced by Chinta Gopalakrishna Reddy. Chinta Vineesha Reddy and Chinta Rajashekar Reddy are the co-producers. KA Productions is managed by Rahasya Gorak. The cinematography is done by Viswas Daniel and Sateesh Reddy Masam, with editing by Sree Varaprasad. Production design is done by Sudheer Macharla, and the executive producer is Chouhan.

The creative producer is Ritikesh Gorak, and the co-director is Annil Boyiidapu. Line producer is K.L. Madan, and costume designing is done by Anusha Punjla. Kovvada Ramakrishna is the head of the makeup department, while VFX is produced by Ms. Kumar, and the VFX supervisor is Phani Raja Kasturi. The production house is GSK Media, and the publicity design is done by Suryateja Yashwanth. The fight direction is done by Real Satish Nabakanta, Ram Krishnan, and Uiyyala Shankar.

Sound designing is done by Sync Cinema, and sound mixing is done by Aravind Menon. While Polaki Vijay does the choreography, K Mallik is the executive producer, and P Bala Manikanta is the head producer. The direction team consists of Thodeti Venkatesh, Koteswararao Thokala, Sharath, Javidi Koti, and Virupakshi. Postproduction digital intermediate is done by Annapurna Studios, and coloring is done by Vivek Anand. Sam C.S. is the composer of the musical score. The film music is under the label of Saregama India Limited, which is a company of the RPSG Group.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here, some FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) about the “Bujjamma” song from “KA” movie.

Q) Who sang the song "Bujjamma"?

A) Sarath Santosh sang the song "Bujjamma".

Q) Who wrote the lyrics of "Bujjamma" Song?

A) The lyrics of the Telugu song "Bujjamma" were written by Sanapati Bharadwaj Patrudu.

Q) Who composed the music for the "KA" movie?

A) The music for the "KA" movie was composed by Sam CS.

Q) What is the genre of "KA"?

A) The genre of "KA" is action thriller film.

Q) Which actors played the lead roles in "KA" movie?

A) Kiran Abbavaram, Tanvi Ram, and Nayan Sarika played the lead roles in "KA" movie.

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